He fell prostrate in the mud with a perforating wound of the neck, with the wound exit over the tracheal area and a fracture of the trachea. 他栽倒在泥泞中,脖子上伤口形成贯穿伤,因为贯穿出口位于气管区上方,加之气管断裂。
Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposes many new methods for solve the problem, such as the oriented perforating technology, reformative fracture fluid system and scientific fracture. 针对以上研究,提出应用定向射孔技术、改进的压裂液体系、科学的压裂设计方案及控缝高技术可以有效地解决砂堵问题。
Study on the effect of perforating parameters upon well productivity in natural fracture reservoirs 裂缝性油藏射孔参数对油井产能的影响研究
Conclusion: It is 3 periosteal ( bone) flap with the deep femoral vessels and the perforating branch to provid a new donor site for repairing fracture or nonunion at the any part of femur. 结论:以股深血管及其穿支为蒂可设计3种骨膜(骨)瓣修复股骨各段骨折骨不连。
The optimization of perforating parameters for improving well performance in naturally fractured reservoirs is quite different from that of conventional sandstone reservoirs. The productivity evaluation of perforated oil well becomes very complicated in the presence of natural fracture in reservoirs. 裂缝性油藏射孔参数优化设计与常规孔隙性砂岩油藏有较大的不同,裂缝的存在使得射孔完井油井的产能评价变得十分复杂。
Perforation and fracture is a key technology in the process of oil exploration and development, perforation and fracture instantaneous dynamic pressure parameters provide a theoretical basis for evaluating of perforating and fracturing effecting, deepen the mechanism of perforation and fracture process and new perforation product development. 射孔、压裂是石油勘探与开发过程中的一项关键技术,射孔、压裂瞬间动态压力参数为评价射孔施工效果,深化射孔、压裂工艺机理研究,新的射孔、压裂产品研发等提供理论依据。